Friday, September 25, 2009
Reach an Amicable Solution With Divorce Lawyers
With so many things to consider and several aspects of the divorce unresolved, many couples find themselves at a stalemate at some point in their discussions. Dividing up the couple's assets and possessions, deciding who gets custody of the children and figuring out visitation rights and child support can be tricky subjects to broach with your former spouse. Denver divorce attorneys are skilled in working with their client and their client's former spouse to come up with a solution that is fair.
The couple must decide which type of divorce works best for their situation. There are several to choose from. A no-fault divorce implies that neither party is responsible for the failure of the marriage. Before this type of divorce, many states required that fault be proven, such as adultery, abuse or desertion, before either spouse could seek a divorce. In a no-fault divorce, irreconcilable differences and incompatibility are often cited as reasons for the couple's divorce.
Another type of divorce is an uncontested divorce. This type of divorce is possible when both parties jointly agree to end the marriage. In this type of divorce, both parties agree on how to divide their property, assets and other possessions. They also agree on custody and child support issues as well. Although this seems to be a completely amiable way to end a marriage, both parties would be best served to seek counsel from a Denver divorce attorney. In an uncontested divorce, people may end up giving up rights that they were not aware they had.
Other types of divorce include a simplified divorce and a limited divorce. People going through a divorce should consult a Denver divorce lawyer for more information about these types of divorce, and to decide which type will work best for them. Coming to a reasonable and fair agreement is important in moving divorce proceedings forward as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Divorce: What it Cannot do for You
Despite what you've heard about divorce, its not all that it is made out to be. There are benefits to a divorce and there are certainly a downside as well. Here are some things that divorce cannot do for you.
Guarantee Precise and Equal Division. A divorce cannot accomplish an exact or mathematically equal division of property and time with children. Because no two people, no two marriages, and no two divorces are alike, the judge who enters a divorce order must make the best decision with the limited time and information available. It may not always be the fairest possible decision that could have been reached, and it is certain not to favor you individually in every possible way. Divorce courts often have to make the best of terrible circumstances. For instance, there can be no satisfactory custody arrangement when one parent lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming and the other lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Ensure Civil Relations. Even though a court can set custody and visitation arrangements, it will not be present every Friday when it is time for mom to drop off the kids, and it will not spend the weekend with dad, making sure he does not make snide comments about mom around the children. Ultimately, a court order is just a piece of paper. A Mom and dad will STILL have to civilly deal with each other to carry out the terms of the custody and visitation order. Divorce does not take away your responsibility towards your children, and this includes dealing with their other parent, because divorce does not make your ex-spouse any less your child's parent (one exception being cases of abuse).
Maintain Your Standard of Living. You should also recognize that a divorce court cannot increase your salary to prevent your standard of living from declining once you divorce. Unfortunately, from an economic standpoint, it is simply much cheaper for two people to live together and share expenses than it is to maintain two separate households. Divorce will change your standard of living and there is little, if anything, the court can do about the change.
Resolve Emotional Issues. Finally, a court will not be able to punish your ex-spouse or morally vindicate you for all of the bad things that happened while you were married. Moreover, the divorce process will not heal your emotional wounds or even take away the necessity of grieving the failed relationship. That is your job, although you can seek assistance through therapists and support groups.
Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful things a person has to deal with, especially if there are children involved. Most people hire a divorce lawyer to help them get through the mess. A Denver divorce lawyer can help cut the stress level down but certainly cannot change your circumstances with your property or children.
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Divorce: What it Can do for You
Normally, people contemplating divorce have some idea of what to expect from a divorce. They have witnessed divorces on television and in movies, and often personally know at least a handful of people who have been through a divorce. Increasingly, people have also experienced their own parents' divorce. In spite of this "second-hand" experience, facing your own divorce is one of the more frightening events in life. Not only do you face a court-sanctioned ending of possibly one of the more significant relationships you have ever had, you also must begin to think about such unpleasant things as the division of property and new living accommodations. In many cases, there is also the unhappy prospect of no longer seeing your children on a daily basis.
Predictability and divorce do not go together. But, armed with realistic expectations, you will have the best chance of being satisfied with the end result of your divorce. Consequently, it is wise to understand the realities of what a divorce can and cannot do for you.
What Divorce Can Do
Property Division. A divorce court will attempt to divide the property of a marriage in the most economic way possible. Most states will exclude from this division any property that was acquired prior to the marriage or that was acquired via gift or inheritance. In some states (community property states) this involves a 50/50 split of the property acquired by the parties during the marriage. Other states (non-community property states) will inquire into the couple's individual financial circumstances, financial plans for the future, and other relevant matters in attempting an equitable distribution of the property.
Because the division of property is never predictable, if you have a strong need for some item of property, it may be best to have your Denver attorney negotiate and settle the property distribution ahead of time with your spouse's attorney. For example, you may decide that, although you would really like to stay in the family home, you really need to keep your business. Therefore, you might forgo the home in favor of the business. In this manner, you can attempt to strike a mutually satisfying agreement for dividing property with your spouse.
Support Obligations. Courts will also determine a couple's support obligations. This can come in the form of child support and spousal support (also called "alimony"). Child support payments are now largely set by state law, but deviation from those standards are not uncommon. Also, child support orders may depend on the custody arrangements ordered. In general, spousal support largely depends on the facts of each divorce and the divorcing couple's financial circumstances. Therefore, here again, any attempt at predicting a court's ultimate support decision is often difficult.
Child Custody and Visitation. Aside from the distribution of wealth, the other main function of the divorce court is to set child custody and visitation schedules. This too is anything but predictable. While courts often try to make their decision based on a set of factors said to promote the "best interest" of the child, these decisions can vary from case to case and court to court. After all, in making custody decisions judges are naturally influenced by their own beliefs, opinions and values. Further, judges usually see and hear only the worst of people during heated custody proceedings. So, based on their limited "view" into the parents' lives, a divorce court may not always make the "best" possible decision when it comes to custody. Here again, negotiation and settlement are important options to keep in mind. Everybody involved in the divorce, especially the children, will benefit from a cooperative child custody arrangement.
It is important to get the assistance of a Denver divorce lawyer if you are thinking about filing for divorce. The previous reasons are just a few of what a divorce can do for you. To make sure you are benefiting from you divorce, make certain you hire a professional divorce lawyer.
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A Good Denver Divorce Lawyers - Not Easy to Fin
Finding good divorce lawyers in Denver can be a very involved and lengthy process, but it is important to make the right decision. A divorce lawyer will be the one to represent your case in front of a judge, and he or she should realize your best interest during the proceedings. Because of everything involved in a divorce, from property settlements to child custody and visitation rights, there is no reason why you should not hire a competent attorney.
Step one is to think about where you can find a good Denver divorce lawyer. There are a few ways to find a divorce lawyer, including professional or personal recommendations. If you saw a marriage counselor before deciding to divorce, the counselor can probably recommend a good divorce lawyer. The lawyer you use for other services, like estate planning, can also make recommendations. They have insider knowledge about which divorce lawyers have good court reputations. If you have friends who are recently divorced, they may be able to recommend their divorce lawyer. Ask them to tell you honestly about their experience, what they liked and disliked, and whether, if they had to do it all over again, they would still use the same attorney.
One thing to always remember when searching for Denver divorce lawyers is you need to know how much you are able to spend and what kind of specialist you need for your situation. There are all types of specialists ranging from family law attorneys to custody lawyers and child support lawyers. When you are researching firms, you need to inquire how much a specialist costs and whether or not your case requires the use of one. After you make that decision, you need to meet with the lawyer before signing any contracts. The attorney will be able to inform you of any specific divorce laws for your state regarding anything from property division to child custody laws.
You may not feel comfortable with the first lawyer you interview, so plan to talk to at least two or three before making a choice. The Denver lawyer needs to fit your personal style both in and out of court. If you feel intimidated by your lawyer, you could be putting yourself at the risk of not having your voice heard in court. Every Denver lawyer will approach a judge differently, and it is not uncommon to watch potential divorce lawyers in court in your initial search. Always remember that when you do choose an attorney, divulge all the necessary information they need for your case. If you leave anything out, your lawyer will not be fully prepared and it could hurt you during the divorce settlement.
Another factor when choosing an attorney is the matter of their fees, disbursements, and billing arrangements. Fees are different from one attorney to the next, and you should ensure you can afford them. One of the choices you will have to make is whether you want to work with someone from a large law firm or someone who is a sole practitioner. You should also find out how they bill for their services. Some lawyers require you to pay fees up front, and then refund any excess payment. Other attorneys will allow you to pay as you go. Lawyers who rely on paralegals and other assistants may charge more than lawyers who do all the work alone. Researching the length of time an attorney has practiced can tell you how much he or she will charge. Once a fee has been settled upon, check all the paperwork to make sure you aren't charged later for additional fees.
Finding good Denver divorce lawyers can be accomplished by using a variety of resources ranging from close friends to professional recommendations. It is important to seek the advice of others before choosing an attorney because they may know who can better serve your needs in court. After making a decision, learning to trust and divulge all the necessary information will allow you to gain the best possible stance in front of a judge. When lives are at stake, especially the well-being of children, choosing a divorce lawyer should be done with extreme caution.
Article Source: By Charles Sellestor
Finding the Best Denver Divorce Lawyer
Divorce is an extremely traumatic process involving a lot of mental strain and extended financial burden. It is a major decision that individuals should take in their life after weighing all the pros and cons. It also involves other critical issues pertaining to the splitting of the marital relationship such as child custody, child visitation rights, child support payments and the distribution of property between the couple.
Law is an academic and theoretical discipline and the success of a Denver divorce lawyer depends on the practical application of legal theory and knowledge to solve real problems. Good lawyers are those who can do this effectively and protect the interests of their client. The best Denver divorce lawyers are invariably those who have earned a reputation by consistently securing their client's legal rights in various divorce cases.
There are many reputed Denver divorce lawyers who are specialists in handling divorce cases in the jurisdiction of their respective area. The best way to decide which divorce lawyer to use is by finding out from former clients. Some divorce lawyers have more success at satisfying their clients than others. The best lawyers strive to help their clients through difficult emotional and legal challenges that often accompany family law issues.
For best long-term results, the best attorneys advise patience, negotiation, and working within the system. Divorce Lawyers provides detailed information on Divorce Lawyers, Cheap Divorce Lawyers, Divorce Without A Lawyer, Free Divorce Lawyers and more. Divorce Lawyers is affiliated with Family Law Courts.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Benefits of Hiring A Divorce Attorney
A marriage can be a wonderful and beautiful thing. It is can be very hard to find someone that you would like to spend your life with, so when you do, you are probably very eager to enter a marriage and begin your life with your new spouse. However, marriage can also be very difficult. Sometimes unforeseen events in life can permanently alter a marriage and things can begin to go wrong.
If things have begun to go wrong in your marriage, and you are thinking of ending the relationship, you will probably want to hire a divorce attorney. Ending a marriage can be a very difficult and drawn out process, so if you are not familiar with all that is involved in a settlement, it is a good idea to have a professional on your side that will guide you through. You and your spouse will both likely be fighting to come out ahead in the settlement, so you will probably want to hire a divorce attorney that you can count on and that has a successful history in these settlements.
It can be very beneficial for you to hire a divorce attorney in Denver as soon as you have finalized your choice to end your marriage. You might even want to consult with someone before reaching your final decision, just to familiarize yourself with the process. Talking with someone that can help you becoming acquainted with the process of ending a marriage can go a long ways in making you feel more comfortable with the situation. This can also help relieve some of the stress and anxiety that you may be feeling over the situation.
The processes that your divorce attorney will likely be helping you through can include dividing the assets that you and your spouse have acquired during your marriage, and also in the child custody and support cases if you and your spouse have children. All of these processes can become quite intense, especially if both you and your spouse are fighting tooth and nail for everything. The situation can become particularly complicated when there are children involved because emotions tend to run very high during the custody hearings and both parents usually want to be awarded custody of the children. The benefit of having a professional on your side is that they will have experience in all of these situations and will be able to help you successfully navigate through them and also to hopefully come out ahead in the end.
The reasons why couples decide to call it quits on their marriages are unique and varied, but no matter what your reasoning is, making the decision to end your marriage can be very difficult. If you do decide to end things however, it is usually better to hire a professional from the beginning to make sure that you are being properly represented in the hearings and that you come out ahead at the end of the settlement. Also, if you do decide to hire a professional to guide you through the settlement, make sure to do your homework on all of your options before deciding who to hire.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Understanding Divorce Procedures
While the process of getting a divorce is rather simple these days, many people are unaware of the issues that can make the divorce procedure ugly, hurtful, and expensive. Even if you think that your soon-to-be ex will be pleasant about the process, you need to be prepared for the alternative.
To simplify, a divorce results in the division of assets between the two individuals. This process alone can be a lengthy one, as you each struggle with issues of who gets the car, or where the bedroom set ends up. You may find that what began as an amicable agreement to dissolve a marriage becomes an intense, bitter fight once choices need to be made about the assets.
This is why it is vital that you understand your rights, and because there are different divorce rules in each state, you need to understand the specific statutes in yours. Division of property, especially where there might be a mortgage involved, becomes much more complicated. And this is just one of many areas that are addressed in the process of divorce proceedings.
If you have children, you may find the issues of custody and child support far more difficult to resolve than who gets the collection of Abba records. And if you've already had heated meetings with your lawyers about property division, that tension will spill over into this area of the process, and it will be even more difficult to rationally discuss custody and support arrangements. While it may be tempting to simply give in to avoid a fight, don't make any decisions you might later regret.
Even though the basics of divorce are the same, every procedure has its own unique issues. The goal for you is to make sure that you are treated fairly, and not walked over by your ex and their divorce attorney. You can do this, in part, by fully understanding your rights. You'll feel a lot better about the results of the proceedings if you are knowledgeable about the divorce process, and you are properly prepared for each hearing or lawyer meeting.
You don't want to find yourself saddled with more bills, less assets and struggling to pay hefty child support payments. If you keep a cool head, you have a better chance of making sure your concerns are addressed, and that a fair settlement is set down by the family court judge. Set aside your emotions as best you can, and don't let them cloud the issues, or you may find yourself unhappy with the outcomes.
If you are headed down the path of divorce, take the time to know your rights. Have an understanding of divorce law in your state, prepare yourself with the proper paperwork, and hire a qualified Denver divorce attorney. Though your ex may be civil now, things can go downhill in a hurry once the proceedings begin. Taking the above steps will go a long way to ensuring that the situation is handled calmly and respectfully.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Finding the Right Denver Divorce Lawyer
When you are entering a divorce there are reasons you need to find the right divorce lawyer, everyone has unique situations. There is one major reason most people need to hire a lawyer. Find out what it is by reading more.
There are really several reasons that one could need a divorce lawyer, but one stands above the rest. Because a situation like this has such high emotions, the number one reason you need a lawyer is to protect you from these emotions.
The Court Needs Facts
The reason for a court system is just for this purpose, remove the emotions and base a decision on the facts. These are some of the more highly emotional situations that enter the courtroom, a good lawyer knows what and what not to say on your behalf. In some aspects of divorce law the rules and division of assets is clear cut, but a good Denver divorce lawyer can get the judge to amend these rules, thus is the purpose of your lawyer.
Finding The Right Divorce Lawyer
In divorce, there are various areas that not all lawyers specialize in, they can be child custody, spousal abuse, spousal alimony, asset division, infidelity reparations. This can get very complicated, you will need a lawyer experienced in that area. Finding the right divorce lawyer means finding the one that fits your needs. The problem for most people is fees, the cost of lawyers is not cheap especially when a specialist is required. This leaves you with a decision, what is the top 3 priorities?
You will need to decide which areas you want to win in this case so you can hire the right lawyer. Once you have nailed down this subject you can move on to looking for the right Denver divorce attorney for you.